The Fifth Element – Review


Watching the Fifth element again doesn’t get old to me, maybe for you or most people. I enjoy action movies, also sci-fi with action and some comedy which is what this movie has a lot of. If you haven’t seen The Fifth Element or it’s been many, many years since you last saw it, get it out of your storage and watch it again. I think we have come a long way with special effects and practical effects even and after re-watching this one I come to appreciate the effort and time effects take to make and get across. I think actors have it easier, notice I said easier, because there are a lot of practical stunts still being made and effects even today, because even too much CGI can get out of hand. Aside from the big action sequences we see in this movie, I felt like this was a weird choice for Bruce Willis to take on considering his serious style of action movies. I am mainly talking about the cartoony costumes, or even his outfit throughout the movie, just doesn’t seem like a Bruce Willis outfit. My thoughts.
Aside from that you have the comic relief in Chris Tucker, I didn’t do the research but for me this is one of the first times we ever hear of Chris Tucker, and he sold me on his character and himself. I loved his character and his take on what a celebrity with his type of exposure would be like, with his entourage and crazy demands and over the top personality. He made the movie fun and quite frankly I wanted to know more about him and his crazy crew. Then there is the bad guy of the movie played by Gary Oldman, yes you heard that right, did you not catch that when you watched it? He played people like Jim Gordon in the Nolan Batman movies also he was in Harry Potter as Sirius Black. I loved it! He is vicious and cold hearted, takes what he wants and doesn’t care who gets hurt or what he needs to do to get it done.
The style of the movie is a big reflection of the director of the movie and his vision, I liked the take that Luc Besson had for the movie, the future, and aliens. He has his signature shots that he uses in all his action movies and maybe it’s the French in him that gives us the modern fashion style that the movie has, who knows, but it works with the story and the characters.

The Fifth Element is a crazy fictional movie set in the future about a world that is going to be destroyed by the greatest evil and there is only one “weapon” that can kill this evil played by Milla Jovovich, we see the Hero Bruce Willis help her get to the point where they can stop the world from being destroyed and I love the ride it takes us in, if you are not into sci-fi or fictional stories this is not for you, but you will have fun with the characters as you watch it. Everything is over the top and sure many goofy moments, but that is what this movie is about. Just have fun with this.

Love watching, talking and writing about movies i've watched. I want to help others sift through critic reviews, so you can watch a movie you may have missed out on because you were misled by a critic.

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