Rogue One: A Star Wars Story – Teaser Trailer


rogue 1
This is one of those times where I am not going to say much about this trailer, but as we know Disney is determined to put out as many Star Wars movies as they can and as long as they keep doing an amazing job with these movies, I will keep watching them and so will my kids and their kids and their kids after that. You get the point.

So we now have our first look at the latest Star Wars movie called Rogue one and here is a little synopsis about the movie.

Resistance fighters band together on a daring mission to steal plans for the Empire’s Death Star.

Told you very short and this stars some new and old faces out of Hollywood that after watching this trailer below I am very excited to see this movie. There is a lot of old familiar scenes, characters and new ones we were not “aware” of because we never saw them in other Star Wars movies.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story(Diego Luna)Ph: Film Frame©Lucasfilm LFLThe movie stars Felicity Jones, Diego Luna, Donnie Yen, Mads Mikkelson, Alan Tudyk and Forest Whitaker just to name a few. The movie is directed by Gareth Edwards and for me that was an interesting choice considering he doesn’t have many movies under his belt and you would think taking on such an iconic franchise like Star Wars they would pick someone seasoned. You probably have seen some his movies like Godzilla or Godzilla 2 or maybe Monster, those are probably the only ones you will know, before that he did a couple of other smaller things.

I hope that this trailer is a good sign of what we will see this Christmas, yes, this comes out December 2016.

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