‘Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides’ Trailer


Ok, I told myself that I wouldn’t do a review over Christmas break. But the more I see this trailer the more I need to talk about it. I would also like to hear your thoughts on the trailer and why this could redeem or just continue to break the Pirate movies.

I personally enjoyed this trailer and based on the trailer I am looking forward to the movie. I was thinking back to the first Pirates movie and how excited I was to see it just based on the trailer. It is hard to judge how a movie will really be from watching the trailer but the first Pirates delivered and was not disappointed. I feel that fresh approach has been taken with this new sequel coming out. The old Jack Sparrow charm is back and full of action. I wasn’t too let down by the other Pirates 2 and 3, but they didn’t have the fun factor as much. Yeah I enjoyed those sequels as well, but the first one for sure is the favorite.

It seems like the new Pirates movie will have everything and going to please many, bringing back the fans to the times of the first Pirates movie. I think I was able to pick out some of the characters that we will see in Pirates 5 and 6. Obviously the action will be nothing less than pure adrenaline rush over the top. The reasons why I love the Pirates movies is for that fun factor, the stunts, the things that we would never do.

We also get to see Jack and his charismatic wit come alive as in the previous movies. is there even a debate that no one else but Johnny Depp could have pulled it off? It is hard to imagine anyone else and I for one am excited to see the continuing story. It is always fun to see the same actor in a series and non the less a series of movies as long as these. 6 movies total? Overall this is a movie worth watching and I see this one getting people coming back for Pirates 5 and 6.

Love watching, talking and writing about movies i've watched. I want to help others sift through critic reviews, so you can watch a movie you may have missed out on because you were misled by a critic.

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