Many people for some reason (mainly critics) did not enjoy the first version of the GI Joe movie. I on the other hand being a simple and humble critic, enjoyed it for what it was and came out wanting more. After seeing the changes that they made for the second movie and story line that we are learning more and more about, I am looking forward to the next installment of GI Joe: Retaliation. Seems like they gathered a great cast, and kept a few from the original one (I wish there were more) and created a movie that will be well worth your time to go watch. I personally think you cannot go wrong bringing in a guy like Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson into a movie. He is likeable and just a perfect fit for this kind of movie. Many women will surely miss Channing Tatum as from what we are seeing he is going to be (spoiler maybe?) killed off. I guess we won’t know for sure until the movie comes out. Finally the main ingredient to a great GI Joe movie, Snake Eyes, he is back and looking to kick some more butt. Based off the recent trailers and the most recent one from today that we have below. What are your thoughts and where do you stand with the GI Joe movies?